for Thai residents who wish to volunteer abroad

With DaLaa, we provide opportunities for Thai volunteers or foreigners who live in Thailand to join volunteer projects abroad with our partners. (Read about our “way of working” for more information)
There are 2 kinds of out-going volunteers:
- Short term out-going volunteer
To join workcamp ( about 2-3 weeks long) with our international partners. The volunteers will live, work and learn together during this time. The activities will be intense and also various.
- Middle and long term out-going volunteer
For middle and long term projects, volunteers commit themselves to work for 2 months until a year. They are included in a community under the responsibility of a host and our partner in the chosen country.
Volunteers should be 18 years old up and be able to self finance their travel.
Join us as the out-going volunteers! It’s very simple to apply and be part of us.
Check the project that you are interested and send us e-mail at
For Workcamps database, follow this link:
For Middle and Long Term placements database:
We also get opportunities through our international partners for some of our volunteers (priority to our active members) to join governmental/European-based programs. Volunteers who take part in these programs usually receive some financial support from the managing institution. Here are some examples:
- 2 months of leader training with IJGD Germany fully financially supported.
- 13 months volunteer with Weltwärts program in Germany through our partner SCI Germany– Fully financially supported+ pocket money.
- 10 months with French Civic Service ( through local partners such as Solidarités Jeunesses) 30% of plane ticket supported and pocket money provided.